
Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Importance of Staying on the Same Page with Your Family


Are you a married or do you currently reside with your romantic partner?  If you do, there is a good chance that money is always a concern of yours.  When two individuals are in a relationship, there are often issues that arise concerning money.  For some families, it is hard to get and stay on the same page, concerning finances. If at all possible, you will want to try avoid doing this, as it may not only harm your wallet, but your relationship as well.

It is important to make sure that you and your partner are on the same page. In fact, you may even want to take the time to establish some ground rules. These grounds rules may include not having a debit card at all or leaving it home at all times. If the debit card is used or a check is written for the joint account that you and your partner share, it is important that the person who used the account informs the other.  Communication is key to keeping your finances in check when having a joint checking account with your husband.

In addition to the improper use of debit cards or check writing, when using a joint checking account, there are many couples who have problems with one or both individuals just spending more money than they have.  This is often a problem with credit cards.  Credit cards, as you likely already know, are considered financial death traps, as they can cause so many problems.  For that reason, if you or your husband or your partner have any credit cards, it is advised that you sit down and discuss usage with them.  The best way to stay out of credit card debt is by limiting your use of them or at least your spending.  If spending is occurring, it is important that your partner knows about that spending and visa versa.

Since unnecessary spending is a problem, you may want to take the time to create a budget for your household. When doing this budget, it is important that you and your partner create the budget together.  This is how you two can both stay on the same page, with your finances.  A budget can account for all of the money that you and your partner have coming in, as well as all of the money that needs to be spent, like on rent, gasoline, or car insurance. This can give you an idea of exactly how much extra you and your partner have to spend each month or even how much you don’t have to spend.  As a reminder, be sure to create your budget with your husband or your partner.  

If you are married, you may find yourself having a little bit more trouble with the money issues between you and your husband. What many individuals do not realize is that when they are married their financial mistakes also become the financial mistakes of their spouse.  This is what leaves many women, and sometimes even men, having a difficult time getting back on their feet after a divorce.  It is not uncommon for many divorced couples to declare bankruptcy after terminating their relationship.  

To help prevent your marriage or your partnership from this trouble, you will want to keep all of the above mentioned points in mind.  Learning how to budget together, as a family, as well as properly use all bank accounts and credit cards is the best way to stay all on the same page.  Staying on the same page, when it comes to your finances, is the key to financial reassurance and possibly a happy healthy relationship with your husband or partner.
I am currently single right now but when I step into marriage arena I will see to it that me and my partner will be on the same page especially on our finances.


The Importance of Creating a Budget for Yourself


Are you a debt-ridden woman?  Even if debt may not be an issue for you now, there is a good chance that it will become one in the future. Whether you are in debt now or if you are looking to prevent yourself from falling victim to it, you may want to examine budgets. Creating a budget for yourself is a simple process, but it is one that can help to keep you out of debt or even get you out of debt.

Before examining how you can go about creating a budget for yourself, it is important to understand the importance of budgets.  As previously stated, budgets are a tool that can be used to make sure that debt isn't any longer an issue for you.  By creating yourself a budget you are able to track your spending, as well as ensure that all needed expenses, like your car instance or your mortgage, get paid.  This also gives you the opportunity to examine how much extra money you have each month, money that you could put towards repaying your debt or put in a savings account, if you aren’t in debt right now.

When it comes to creating a budget for yourself, you should be able to find a number of budget templates online for you to use. While these free resources are nice, you may only want to use them as starting points.  You can get great ideas from them, but you may want to create your own budget. This is important because not all individuals lead the same lives or have the same expenses to take care of.  

It is also advised that you take the time to create a budget for each month of the year.  As previously stated, a budget allows you to account for your spend in advance.  If you have a birthday party in July that you need to attend, you may need to account for buying a gift.  However, this is something that will likely not occur each month.  Creating individual budgets for each month of the year may seem like a complicated process, but it doesn’t have to be.  It may take a few extra minutes, but those few minutes are more than worth it.

To get you started with saving your money, to help relieve the stress and other issues often associated with debt, you will want to start by outlining all expenses that you must pay for on a monthly basis.  These expenses are ones in which you cannot go without paying, like rent, mortgage, renters insurance, homeowners insurance, auto insurance, auto loan payments, groceries, and your utility bills. These are the expenses that must be paid, no matter what.  

Once you have a detailed list of important expenses, like those that you are unable to go with out, you can focus on the next level of importance.  These are items such as internet access or cable television.  If you are just looking to save money, possibly to put into a savings account, you should be able to continue paying these expenses without any problems.  On the other hand, if you are looking to dig yourself out of all of the unpaid debt that you have accumulated, it may be a good idea to go without internet access or cable television, if at all possible, even if it is just for a short period of time.

You can also use your budget to determine how much extra money you will have each month.  You can do this if you regularly work the same hours or if your pay is salary based.  Once you have totaled up all of the aforementioned expenses, you can subtract that from the amount of the money that you bring home from work each week.  Any extra is money that you may want to consider putting towards your debt or saving, just in case.

Creating a budget is the most convenient way for us to get out of debt or save. I am creating a monthly budget each month and track my day to day expenses. I track everything, this way I can more discipline myself for spending unnecessary things that will keep me out of my budget.

Till next time.


How Your Debt Doesn’t Have to Be the End of You


Are you a woman who is in debt?  Whether you have debt solely from attending college, from credit cards,
 old medical bills, or a combination of them all, you may be scared, unsure, and frustrated.  In today’s society, with regularly rude calls from debt collectors, you may be feeling as if your debt is causing you to become insane.  Yes, it may seem like the end of the world, especially at first, but it is important to remember that your debt doesn't have to the be the end of you.

The last thing that you will want to do is allow a debt collector to get you all worked up, no matter how they act or treat you.  If you feel that you cannot take it anymore, you do not have to.  At any point in time, when speaking to a debt collector, you can simply hang up the telephone.  More drastic approaches have been used by women including screening all telephone calls with the use of caller id or an answering machine.

Although you may not be interested in speaking with a debt collector, you may want to think about doing so.  Often times, you will find that debt collectors stop calling or at least reduce the number of calls that they place to you once they are able to at least speak with you. So, if you are feeling up to it, go ahead and answer that phone. Just be sure not to make any payment arrangements that you cannot keep. 

Another one of the many reasons why debt is so stressful and such an issue for many women is because they feel helpless and hopeless when they are unable to pay their debt.  What you need to remember though is that there are always ways that you can go about working to pay off your debt, even if it is just a little bit at a time. It may seem silly, but paying off your debt, even if it is only twenty dollars here and there, is likely lessen the burden and stress that you currently feel.

If you would like to get out of debt, but you don’t know how, you may want to consider making an appointment with a debt reduction specialist or an accountant. While this professional assistance will cost you a little bit of money, upfront, it is well worth it for many women; women just like you.  That is because the professional assistance of debt reduction specialists and accountants may be able to help you get your life back on track.

Although the cost of seeking professional assistance is more than worth it, you may not necessarily have the money to spend. If that is the case, you can still work to get yourself out of debt and settle this stressful issue once and for all. What you are urged to do is examine your spending habits.  You may even want to record all of the purchases that you make during one weeks time. How many of those purchases can you live without, even just temporarily? As previously stated, paying off your debt, even in little increments, may be able to help reduce the stress often associated with unpaid debts.  So, even if you are only able to save two dollars on a soda each day, that should provide you with twenty dollars a week to put towards your debt.

In short, debt is an issue that many women must face and deal with each day. Although it may seem like it, debt doesn’t have to be the end of you, as outlined above.
Having debt is a problem that I really want to avoid. So if you want to get out of debt start to "Live within your means".

Tell my next post.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Why Is it Important to Save Money?


I have been busy this past few days so I was not able to update my blog. But here I am writing again to all of you. For the last 3 years, saving was not on my agenda. My mindset was why would I save if I can buy the things I want? Why worry for the future if I am still young and still want to explore the world? These are some of my questions in mind before but right now all of these questions has changed.

When my mother has been hospitalized all of a sudden last year, that was the point where I have no savings, at all. I have 0 savings on my bank account and no emergency fund. So that time I was forced to loan a certain amount to pay the hospital bills for mom and until now I am still continually paying it. It is not easy to have a debt but I have no choice that time.

So right now, this year I mean I have been started saving 10% of my income each month. I also started to invest in a mutual fund company for my future retirement. I am also saving for my emergency fund that I should really have in case of emergencies just like what happened to my mom last year. So slowly I am doing this and have to discipline myself more to achieve all of this.

I will enumerate at least 3 reasons why we should save:

1. Emergency Cases
In case of emergency like sudden hospitalization or out of pocket medical expenses, flood if your area was at risk of storm, job layoff and sudden loss of income.

2. Retirement
I am still 25 right now but this is my concern already at my age. I am worrying about this because my job is not permanent and anytime my income can be lost so I need to save for my future retirement. When we retire, we will probably need a savings or investments to take place the income I get from my job.

3. Education
I have a plan to take my master's degree next year or 2 years from now. I just like to learn more and want to invest in my education that anyone cannot steal from me. Education is something we should invest or save for our future.

So all of us must save right now!Not tomorrow or the next day, but now!

Hope you enjoyed my post.
Till next time.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Avoiding Impulse Spending


For the last three years of working, I honestly say that I am guilty of this. I am not thinking about my future that time. All I want was to spend my money to those things I like even if those are not necessary for me to use. Let me ask you some questions below.

Answer these questions truthfully:

1.) Does your spouse or partner complain that you spend too much money?
2.) Are you surprised each month when your credit card bill arrives at how much more you charged than you thought you had?
3.) Do you have more shoes and clothes in your closet than you could ever possibly wear?
4.) Do you own every new gadget before it has time to collect dust on a retailer’s shelf?
5.) Do you buy things you didn't know you wanted until you saw them on display in a store?

If you answered “yes” to any two of the above questions, you are an impulse spender and indulge yourself in retail therapy.

This is not a good thing. It will prevent you from saving for the important things like a house, a new car, a vacation or retirement. You must set some financial goals and resist spending money on items that really don’t matter in the long run. 

Impulse spending will not only put a strain on your finances but your relationships, as well. To overcome the problem, the first thing to do is learn to separate your needs from your wants.
Advertisers blitz us hawking their products at us 24/7. The trick is to give yourself a cooling-off period before you buy anything that you have not planned for. 

When you go shopping, make a list and take only enough cash to pay for what you have planned to buy. Leave your credit cards at home.

If you see something you think you really need, give yourself two weeks to decide if it is really something you need or something you can easily do without. By following this simple solution, you will mend your financial fences and your relationships.  

Till next time.


Different Types of Investments

Hello Again,

Many of us didn't know the different types of investments. Especially those that haven't started investing yet. When I joined IMG(International Marketing Group) - Wealth Academy, my ignorance on investing has changed. They have several series of seminars offered to Associate Broker like me for free to attend to.  

There are three different kinds of investments. These include stocks, bonds, and cash. Sounds simple, right? Well, unfortunately, it gets very complicated from there. You see, each type of investment has numerous types of investments that fall under it. 

There is quite a bit to learn about each different investment type. The stock market can be a big scary place for those who know little or nothing about investing. Fortunately, the amount of information that you need to learn has a direct relation to the type of investor that you are. There are also three types of investors: conservative, moderate, and aggressive. The different types of investments also cater to the two levels of risk tolerance: high risk and low risk. 

Conservative investors often invest in cash. This means that they put their money in interest bearing savings accounts, money market accounts, mutual funds, US Treasury bills, and Certificates of Deposit. These are very safe investments that grow over a long period of time. These are also low risk investments.

Moderate investors often invest in cash and bonds, and may dabble in the stock market. Moderate investing may be low or moderate risks. Moderate investors often also invest in real estate, providing that it is low risk real estate.

Aggressive investors commonly do most of their investing in the stock market, which is higher risk. They also tend to invest in business ventures as well as higher risk real estate. For instance, if an aggressive investor puts his or her money into an older apartment building, then invests more money renovating the property, they are running a risk. They expect to be able to rent the apartments out for more money than the apartments are currently worth – or to sell the entire property for a profit on their initial investments. In some cases, this works out just fine, and in other cases, it doesn’t. It’s a risk.

Before you start investing, it is very important that you learn about the different types of investments, and what those investments can do for you. Understand the risks involved, and pay attention to past trends as well. History does indeed repeat itself, and investors know this first hand!


How Much Money Should You Invest?


I am a first time investor and I had just started investing through a Mutual Fund company particularly on FAMI (First Metro Save & Learn, Inc) last month (March 2013). Many first time investors think that they should invest all of their savings. This isn’t necessarily true. To determine how much money you should invest, you must first determine how much you actually can afford to invest, and what your financial goals are.

First, let’s take a look at how much money you can currently afford to invest. Do you have savings that you can use? If so, great! However, you don’t want to cut yourself short when you tie your money up in an investment. 

What were your savings originally for?
It is important to keep three to six months of living expenses in a readily accessible savings account – don’t invest that money! Don’t invest any money that you may need to lay your hands on in a hurry in the future. 
So, begin by determining how much of your savings should remain in your savings account, and how much can be used for investments. Unless you have funds from another source, such as an inheritance that you've recently received, this will probably be all that you currently have to invest. 

Next, determine how much you can add to your investments in the future. If you are employed, you will continue to receive an income, and you can plan to use a portion of that income to build your investment portfolio over time. Speak with a qualified financial planner to set up a budget and determine how much of your future income you will be able to invest.

With the help of a financial planner, you can be sure that you are not investing more than you should – or less than you should in order to reach your investment goals. 
For many types of investments, a certain initial investment amount will be required. Hopefully, you’ve done your research, and you have found an investment that will prove to be sound. If this is the case, you probably already know what the required initial investment is.

If the money that you have available for investments does not meet the required initial investment, you may have to look at other investments. Never borrow money to invest, and never use money that you have not set aside for investing!

With an initial investment amount of Php5, 000 you can start to invest in a mutual fund company you prefer that requires this initial investment to start.

Till my next post.


Why Do We Create Blogs?


There are several reasons on why do we create blogs. Let me categorize it below:

  • Blogging for Fun
Although blogging can be used for a variety of other purposes such as generating income, promoting a cause and providing information there are many bloggers who enjoy blogging simply because it is fun. These bloggers enjoy blogging for reasons such as staying in touch with friends, expressing themselves or keeping a record of important events. This article will explain how blogs can be used for these purposes. 

  • Blogging to Stay in Touch with Friends
Staying in touch with friends and family members is just one of the many reasons a person may wish to start a blog. This is especially useful for those who move far away from their friends and family members. Staying in touch by phone, regular visits and even email is not always easy. This is because it can be difficult to keep up long distance interactions with several different people at once. However, by maintaining a blog, a person can greatly simplify the process of staying in touch with friends and family members because they do not have to repeat information in individual phone calls or emails or make time to visit several different people. 

When maintaining a blog, the individual can choose to post a variety of information and photos. Through this information and photos the blog owner can keep others informed about current events in his life. Friends and family members can view the blog at their convenience to catch up on important events in the blog owner’s life and in most cases can post comments to the blog owner. They can also read comments from others. This is beneficial if those viewing the blog know each other because they can not only stay in touch with the blog owner but also have a chance to communicate with other friends and family members through the comments section of the blog. 

  • Blogging as a Form of Expression
Some bloggers begin blogging as a form of expression. They may right poetry, songs, short stories or even use the blog to vent about personal events or politics. These bloggers may wish to keep their blog private or can make the blog available to the public. Keeping the blog private is sort of like keeping a diary or a journal. It gives the blogger a multi-media form of expressing himself without the risk of others discovering his true feelings, innermost dreams or frustrations. Other bloggers opt to make these blogs public. This may be for a number of different reasons. Sharing these feelings with others allows the blogger to reach others who may have the same interest as the blogger. 

Bloggers who use their blog as a form of personal expression may want to be cautious and consider the decision to make a blog public. This is important because the blog owner may initially not see problems with allowing others to view his personal thoughts. However, over time he may realize his blog could either be offensive to others or could result in problems if friends or family members view the blog.

  • Blogging to Keep a Record of Events
Another common reason for blogging is to keep a record of important events. Examples of some types of events which a blogger may wish to document include a pregnancy, weddings, vacations, sporting events or completion of school events. Using blogs to keep a record of these events gives the blogger an opportunity to record daily events in one simple location where they can easily look back on the blog or share the postings with others who might be interested in the events. In these cases the blog can serve as a form of scrapbook documenting the events as they occur. The blog owner can post as often as he desires and may choose to include elements such as photos, music, audio files and video files into the blog. The blog can also be designed to suit the events being documented. For example a journal depicting a vacation may have backgrounds, fonts and colors representing the vacation location while a pregnancy blog may feature elements which represent pregnancy, babies and being parents. 

For what I have mentioned above, my reasons was for fun and form of expression. Hope what I mentioned above will let others know why do we create blogs.


Thursday, April 11, 2013

Blogging for Teens


Well, why I didn't think about this when I am just on my teenage years? I am already 25 years old now and just started writing my own blog. A better saying that goes, "Better late than never". 

 Every day, blogs are created by people of all ages and from all walks of life, but when it comes to blogging, teen writers are truly on the cutting edge of the movement. Because today's teenagers are the first generation of people to have grown up using the internet at every stage of their development, many adolescents have a seemingly innate sense of how to use web technology to express their innermost thoughts and ideas. Older writers often experience a kind of learning curve when they begin to blog, but many young people find that using a word processor and blogging software feels more natural and direct a mode of communication than writing in a diary ever could. 

One of the reasons why blogs have undergone a kind of explosion in the teen community and are growing by leaps and bounds is the fact that they provide a unique mixture of visibility and anonymity. A teenager can invite friends and peers to read his or her blog with a simple email, thereby winning attention or possibly even praise. Of course, with visibility usually comes the possibility of embarrassment, but the fact that it is possible to blog anonymously with an invented handle or nickname negates a lot of the potential for humiliation. Many a blogging teen lives in fear that a parent or guardian will discover his or her blog, but by publishing under an alias a teenager can spill his or her secrets without fear of being traced. 

Outside the world of blogging, teen writers often have very limited opportunities to be published. Magazines and journals are often reticent to publish young writers who may not have as much credibility as older writers with a lot of experience and extensive credits to their names. This can discourage adolescents from writing or from seeking chances to publish their work. By blogging, young people can begin to gain a following of readers without first having to win the attention and support of an editor or publisher who may not be very interested in teenaged authors. 

 Between the fact that blogs provide young people with a chance to exercise their impressive technical aptitude, to gain visibility without compromising privacy, and to build a readership for their writing without having to jump through the traditional hoops of the publishing industry, it is little wonder that are so many teenagers with blogs. For some teenagers, blogging is even a very social endeavor that allows them to meet people with similar interests from all over the world. Many a blogging teen has discovered that having a weblog on the internet is a great way to explore self-expression and, often, to win positive feedback from new friends. 

Till next time. 


Blogging 101


I have been blogging recently, why? I just don't know yet,kidding :). Well, I decided to have my own blog because I want to write. I want to share what I learned from the blogs I did read, through financial seminars I attended, and the books I read that I just bought at a very cheap price on a Book Sale at utmost price of  Php 15.00, yes it is very cheap. So let's start of what is Blogging 101.

Blogging 101 is mostly about the blogging vocabulary. To understand blogs, you need to know the terms blog, platform, domain, and web host. Once you have mastered these key elements of blogging, you can enter any conversation about blogging with confidence. After you know what exactly a blog is, you will be on your way to passing the final exam of blogging 101. 

Blog is short for weblog, which simply means a series of online posts presented in reverse chronological order. That's all! Most blogs are text, but there are also photo blogs and video blogs. The rest of blogging 101 has to do with the technical side of things. If you are setting up a blog, you will need a platform, a web host, and a domain. A blogging platform is a computer software program that allows you to write posts and to update your blog. Your platform is also what you use to design the look of your blog, from color scheme to font size. The web host is sort of like the virtual file cabinet where your blog is stored. Your computer communicates with the host when you upload or edit a post. The domain is the online address of your blog, and usually ends in ‘dot com'. Now that you know what a blog is, what a platform is, and what domains and hosts are, congratulate yourself! You have passed blogging 101.

Till my next post.


Investing and Financing


Investing and financing, two different terms that has different meanings. But for a newbie like me these two terms has a broad meaning. There are lots of business right now that operates and most of them does know what is investing and financing. These businesses are either productive or not. Cash flow of the businesses needs to be stable for it to run in the long run.

Another portion of the statement of cash flows reports the investment that the company took during the reporting year. New investments are signs of growing or upgrading the production and distribution facilities and capacity of the business. Disposing of long-term assets or divesting itself of a major part of its business can be good or bad news, depending on what's driving those activities. A business generally disposes of some of its fixed assets every year because they reached the end of their useful lives and will not be used any longer. These fixed assets are disposed of or sold or traded in on new fixed assets. The value of a fixed asset at the end of its useful life is called its salvage value. The proceeds from selling fixed assets are reported as a source of cash in the investing activities section of the statement of cash flows. Usually these are very small amounts.

Like individuals, companies at times have to finance its acquisitions when its internal cash flow isn't enough to finance business growth. financing refers to a business raising capital from debt and quity sources, by borrowing money from banks and other sources willing to loan money to the business and by its owners putting additional money in the business. The term also includes the other side, making payments on debt and returning capital to owners. it includes cash distributions by the business from profit to its owners.

Most business borrow money for both short terms and long terms. Most cash flow statements report only the net increase or decrease in short-term debt, not the total amounts borrowed and total payments on the debt. When reporting long-term debt, however, both the total amounts and the repayments on long-term debt during a year are generally reported in the statement of cash flows. These are reported as gross figures, rather than net.

Till my next post.


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

What is Frugality?


If we search online especially on Google there are a lot of meaning of Frugality. This is my main subject of my blog name because I really want to become one. For the past 3 years of working and having my own money to spend those I like and get the things I want, frugality was not on my mind after all. It is not on my vocabulary for short. I just spend and spend and was last year been addicted to online shopping, so all my money was being spent online buying clothes, gadgets, etc that are just "wants" not "needs". I realize this year that all of it are just "wants" , yes unfortunately I didn't even saved a single centavo of my salary. This is very sad but now I realize it should be stop.

Once you're addicted to online shopping you can't get out of it easily but with my great determination to quit this addiction, I really did quit!Yes, it's not easy but if you are determined to do so, then nothing is impossible. IMG - Wealth Academy was a big part of it and the major reason why I successfully quit was because my mother was hospitalized last August 2012 and was diagnose to have a diabetes.

Right there and then I slowly started walking to frugality. I don't spend anymore to those things that are only wants not needs. Before I buy something, I think twice or third if that is a want or a need. I started saving from my salary even a little amount and a big step was I started to invest my money in a mutual fund company which is FAMI. I got myself a health insurance from KAISER for my future medical expenses.

Before frugality was just a word that is not important to me but now it does change already. So I search for it's meaning and what I found when I search for the meaning on Google was:

Frugality is the quality of being frugal, sparing, thrifty, prudent or economical in the use of consumable resources such as food, time or money, and avoiding waste, lavishness or extravagance.

This meaning now has been marked already on my head and heart.

Hope to write more post soon because I am really busy with work and my service to God this past few days.



Monday, April 8, 2013

Chitika Application Approved


Yesterday I got an email early in the morning from Chitika. I am happy reading the email because even though Google Adsense application has not been approved but Chitika was to the rescue of my ever mood of sadness. I am very glad I did read a blog from Gil Tenorio's Website - Learn Financial Education about Chitika.

So What is Chitika?
Chitika is an online ad network that caters over four billion strategically targeted ads each month to a network of over 250,000+ sites, making it the largest of its kind. Chitika's advertising partners include: Yahoo!, Superpages, yellowbook, ServiceMagic and Shopzilla.

Chitika is one way of  how to make money online from your website or blog. The revenue or cost per click is not that big just like Google Adsense but still worth trying to add on your website especially for a newbie like me.

I still need to find more ways on how to make money online from my blog. I do hope that I could still find more from the web.

Till my next posts,


Friday, April 5, 2013

March Expenses - Tracking it Down!


This is my first time tracking out my expenses, so please bare with me :)

I had started tracking it last month (March, 2013) and it was not easy at first because I am used not to track my expenses especially my day to day expenses. I tell you "IT IS REALLY HARD!!!" haha, yeah for a first timer like me but I did successfully made it!

Here was the expenses for March:

  • Utilities (Electricity, Telephone, Internet) - PHP 2, 417
  • Insurance (Life/Health) - PHP 3, 693
  • Irregular Expenses (Day to Day Expenses) - PHP 7308.5
  • Help to Parents - PHP 14, 000
TOTAL = PHP 27, 418.5

Oh la, quiet big! But for last month I invested Php 5,000 to FAMI for an initial investment so the actual Irregular Expenses I did was PHP 2,308.5.

For this month, I hope to cut on Irregular Expenses and include my investment and savings made on the list. I want to slowly cut this down. Slowly getting to frugality :)

I just want to define Frugality :
1. economical in use or expenditure; prudently saving or sparing; not wasteful
2. entailing a little expense; requiring a few resources

Being frugal is not easy but this is what I am working now, to be slowly becoming one.

Till next posts :)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

How to Make Additional Investment to FAMI


I was supposed to write this last night but it took me until 3 am to finish my work. Yesterday I made an additional investment to FAMI (First Metro Asset Management Inc.) for SALEF (Save & Learn Equity Fund) with a minimum 1K investment. This is what I want to do each month, I'll invest a minimum amount to this kind of investment.

Here are the steps I go through:

1. Go to nearest Metrobank and pay your additional investment using the payment slip. The payment slip was color green.

2. Fill up the new IAF (Investment Application Form), FAMI announced that starting March 18, 2013 they will no longer require the original Investment Application Form (IAF) for additional investments. For direct deposit to funds Metrobank account like I did, they will require a fax or email copy of a new IAF together with the copy of payment slip.

3. Scan your documents (New IAF Form & Payment Slip) and email to or fax it at fax number (632) 816-0467.

Till next post,


Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Easter


Happy Happy Easter to all of you :) Hope all of you had a great time spending Easter with the rest of your family.

Why we are celebrating Easter?
Easter is a Christian festival and holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ who was crucified on the cross and die to save the entire humanity from their sins. So celebrating Easter is a new beginning to all of us.

So that's why we should celebrate Easter :) But me and my family just celebrated it at home. Not for being frugal,hehe but were practicing being frugal now ;) We must see to it that we should not always spend money but spending time together at home is just enough.

Being thankful for any blessings that the Lord gave me and my family even if it's not about money is enough for us to be thankful and happy everyday :)

So Happy Happy Easter everyone!!!!

Till next time....


7 Days of Prayer and Fasting


I have said in my previous post about my 7 Days of Prayer and Fasting but I did not mention about what kind of fasting I did. This is not a common fast that most people do like they Fast on Food, I can't do that because I've been sick last Good Friday and Black Saturday. It is not also getting sick that I did not choose to fast on food but right from the start when I received Bo Sanchez Ebook about 7 Days of Prayer and Fasting, I already decided not to fast on food. SO what did I choose to fast???

I decided to fast on "Facebook", yeah you heard it right!This may sound funny but yep I did fast on Facebook. Facebook has been a part of my work life this past few months and I will honestly say that it is not good anymore. It was a major distraction from my work, I can't focus on my task because I am always checking my FB account if there was any comments on my posts, notifications, etc. and I realize it does impacted my work tremendously, yes you heard it!

For one week, I prayed to God and do some reflections like what was said on Bo Sanchez Ebook. I prayed that this kind of habit must be taken out from my work hours. So today, Monday I did able to work without checking FB from minute to minute or even second to second of my working time. I just check my FB account for few minutes when I opened my computer and close it afterwards when I started working on my tasks today. It was really effective, my fast was effective!!!Thank God! :)

The fasting was a great experience from me for this year's Lenten Season, this was my first time of doing this and it does really feel good . Hope all of you had a very memorable experience also like me :) :)

God Bless,